====== Pixel Dungeon ====== Pixel Dungeon (or PD for short) is Roguelike game for Android, Windows, Mac, Linux and iOS created by Watabou. [[http://pixeldungeon.watabou.ru|PD site]] ===== Forks ===== Jul 26, 2014 - This day Watabou published Pixel Dungeon source under GPL v3 at [[https://github.com/watabou/pixel-dungeon|GitHub]]. However, Watabou do not reacted to community created issues and not assert pull requests so PD forks era has begun. First (and most popular at time of writing) fork is [[Shattered Pixel Dungeon]] ([[https://github.com/00-Evan/shattered-pixel-dungeon|source]], [[https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon|Google Play]], [[http://www.shatteredpixel.com|official site]]) [[Pixel Dungeon ML]] - first fork that implements multilingual feature ([[https://github.com/rodriformiga/pixel-dungeon|source]], [[https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=br.com.rodriformiga.pixeldungeon|Google Play]]). [[rpd:start|Remixed Pixel Dungeon]] is direct fork of [[Pixel Dungeon ML]] [[rpd:start|Remixed Pixel Dungeon]] - started as [[ru:rpd:start|Russian]] translation - and eventually evolve to one of most popular PD mod. Currently 5 languages have 90%+ translation status. [[Skillful Pixel Dungeon]] - Many new mobs, items and difficulty settings [[Your Pixel Dungeon]] - Allow you set parameters for map generator and play generated maps. [[Soft Pixel Dungeon]] - Allow you save|load game effectively removing permanent death from game. [[Sprouted Pixel Dungeon]] - Bigger levels, new items, hardcore bosses. [[Pixel Ponies!]] - Remixed Pixel Dungeon fork with ponies! ([[https://github.com/TricksterWolf/pixel-ponies|source code]]) [[Pixel Dungeon+]] - Port of Pixel Dungeon to C#, available on [[https://www.microsoft.com/ru-ru/p/pixel-dungeon/9p94wzvrlnw0?activetab=pivot%3Aoverviewtab|Microsoft Store]] [[https://stormtek-games.com/source/Pixel_Dungeon_plus_Source.7z|source code]] Port of Pixel Dungeon to C++ (MSVC solution) - [[https://github.com/zhuzhonghua/pixeldungeon_cpp|source code]], there is no prebuilt binary available at time of writing. {{tag> pd }}