Table of Contents


How-to install custom mod

Mods are typically packed in zip archives (sometime file extension changed to something like zipp if this is the case rename it to plain zip)

To install mod on Remixed Dungeon manually:

Android version >= 11 (requires remixed 32.1+)

option 1 (If you delevoping mod):

option 2 (To install mod developed by someone else):

Android version < 11

How-to create custom mod

In order to be able to play your mod (or any other non-official mod), you need to place your modified files in a folder named the way you want your mod to be named (example: “My mod”).

Don't forget to add at least minimal version.json file with something like {“version”:1} as content.

Place that folder into the ”files” directory of the game.

Approximate path on typical android system looks like this:

Android/data/ .

Basic Idea

Each mod is resource overlay, that is they replace game assets such as textures, sounds, json configuration files and lua scripts while leaving java code intact.

The simplest way to get a better view at Remixed is to download one of the bundled mods and examine its structure. Maze is good to start from.

Brief features list

Maybe it's worth for you to check Remixed PD mods mechanics. It is far from complete, completely lacks documentation, full of bugs, etc. But at this point, it allows to do the following (without touching the java code):

By just overriding resources you can:

Using json configuration files you can:

With some lua scripts you can:

You can check how other mods are structured, to get a better idea.

Existing mods

For example, you can see : ( )

Gameplay with mods

Since mod can drastically change the game difficulty, you cannot earn badges while playing the mod.

List of resources


Tiled - map editor

Text editors for android

To edit json configs or lua scripts